Asthma Causes, Prevention, Treatment

Asthma Causes, Prevention, Treatment

Asthma Causes, Prevention, Treatment

Diseases affecting the respiratory tract are common in damp, cold and drastically varying climates. The respiratory tract consists of a branching network of air passages starting with the nose, into the lungs and ending up in the tiny air sacs. This branching network of air passages is readily susceptible to inflammation because its large surface area is constantly exposed to the generally polluted air that we breathe.

Bronchial Asthma is a reversible obstruction of the airways. Changes in the immune defence system and in the control of the diameter of the airways are probably responsible for attacks of wheezing. Asthmatic attacks are characterized by the narrowing of the large and small airways due to spasm of the muscles of the bronchial tubes, oedema and inflammation in the inner lining of the airways and the production of mucus. Asthma can occur at any age and individuals with asthma differ greatly in the frequency and degree of their symptoms. Some have only an occasional attack that is mild in degree and of brief duration, and otherwise are entirely free of symptoms. Others have mild coughing and wheezing most of the time, punctuated by severe attacks following exposure to known allergens, infections or certain stress conditions.

An asthma attack may begin acutely with bouts of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath or with slowly increasing symptoms and signs of distress of the respiratory system. In either case, the person usually first notices the onset of breathing that is difficult and becoming more rapid, coughing and tightness or pressure in the chest and may even notice audible wheezes. All this may subside quickly or may persist for hours or days.

Asthma may often go unnoticed though there is little difficulty in indentifying the child with a history of wide spread Eczema, and a family history of other allergic disorders, who suffers from recurrent wheezing. Yet, many children with persistent coughs, particularly at night and wheezing episodes are regarded as suffering from bronchitis triggered by infections of the airways.

That persistent bronchitis may lead to Asthma is not difficult to understand. The diagnosis of Asthma should be considered in any individual who wheezes. Asthma is the most likely diagnosis, when the typical bouts of wheezing start in childhood or early adulthood and are interspersed with intervals without wheezing. In addition, more than 50 percent of Asthmatics have a family history of allergy or Asthma. And most of those who inherit Asthma usually develop symptoms early in life-in association with Rhinitis and Eczema.

Homeopathy Remedies: Blatta orientalis O, Justicia ad O, Lobelia inflate O, Ipecacuanha O, Grindelia robusta O, Magnesia phos 2x.

  • Blatta orientalis: It is a remedy for Asthma especially when associated with bronchitis.
  • Justicia ad. : It is a highly effective medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract like cough with sneezing and paroxysmal cough with suffocative obstruction of respiration.
  • Senega: It helps bronchial and laryngeal catarrh
  • Lobelia : It is a remedy for dyspnoea caused by constriction.
  • Ioecauanha:  It is indicated for coryza, wheezing cough and incessant violent cough with heavy breathing.
  • Grindella robusta: it is indicated for spasmodic and whooping cough.

Indications: recurring attacks of cough and cold, dyspnoea, breathlessness (suffocation), wheezing, chronic bronchitis, tracheal and bronchial spasms leading to asthma and cough with or without phlegm.

Dosage: infants: 5-8 drops,

Children (up to 8 yrs): Half spoon

Grownups and Adults: 1 teaspoon.

In mild moderate conditions, take 3-6 times a day. In acute conditions, take every 2 hours, in acute respiratory distress & chest congestion, take steam inhalation of ashtha aid syrub, 2 table spoon in glass of boiling water, thrice daily.

For best results take ASTHA AID with water. For further treatment for asthma by homeopathy see

ASTHA AID is completely safe and can be taken simultaneously with other allopathic medicines. It is recommended that allopathic medicines should not be discontinued abruptly even if relief is perceived with ASTHA AID. Discontinue the use of allopathic medicines only gradually. For treatment for asthma by homeopathy see information as


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